My yoga training is finally over! Really, it's kind of bitter sweet, but that's life. I must remember that it is just the end of the beginning. I've spent 100 hours in class training, countless minutes student teaching, and heaven only knows how long in study and preparation. Now, it's time for this little birdie to fly. Some moments I still feel inadequate, but I have to remind myself that God loves to use inadequate people to do amazing things for His glory. And that's what it's all about anyway. His glory.
At moments in time like these, I can not help but to reflect on all the changes in my life. Not just those since I started the yoga teacher training, but on the recent journey that God has been leading me. I have come to realize that I have been on a quest to seek myself over the last few years. And on that quest I have sought high and low, near and far to find out who I really was. Who I thought that I wanted to be. Only I never found myself in the places that I looked. I found me in the last place I thought I'd find me: right where I left myself. The only difference is that I'm older, more mature, and more hip than I remember being before. Or maybe, I've stayed the same and the experiences I've had only served to positively change my self image. And it's funny to me, how I find bits of God in me (it really shouldn't surprise me, I, just as everyone else who has ever lived, have been made in God's image). God showed Himself to one of His prophets, Elijah. Although, God did not appear in the "normal" places that one would seek for Him. He wasn't in the wind. He wasn't in the earthquake. He wasn't in the fire. He was in a whisper. The last place anyone would ever think to find the God of the universe would be in a small, tiny whisper.
I am so thankful for the new found freedom that God has been giving me. Taste and see that The Lord is good. And praise God- His mercies endure forever and ever!