Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Big Changes

Things have been changing so much recently, it's been tough to keep up with! To bring everyone up to speed, I got a promotion at work. I'm the new Lead Teller at my branch. And boy am I loaded down with challenges for the next few weeks. It wouldn't be such a rough transition, buy my boss, Liz, is out for three weeks with some training of her own. So, I'm picking up a bunch of extra tasks at work inaddition to trying to transition from peer to supervisor. The stress this week has been incredible. I've had headaches the last two day- I haven't had a headache in MONTHS! Now two days in a row. My anxiety is about to peak (really it's more like explode, think of a volcano) so I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's yoga classes.

We discovered that Sarge is scared of baloons. John brought one home when I got the promotion and Sarge is terrified of it! He won't go anywhere near it! He's so funny, he completely avoids the room! When we first put it in the breakfast room, Sarge hid from it in the hallway and kept looking around and checking behind him expecting to see it floating up on him. He's gotten used to it to a small degree, but he still won't go into the breakfast room.

On another note: we have been able to purchase our new refrigerator and stove that we've been eyeing for a few months (we are selling our older ones). The new stuff is getting delivered tomorrow. :)Our kitchen is going to look so different. I'll try to remember to take some pics to post on here for everyone to see. They will be stainless and black to match the microwave and dishwasher. The next step will be a new sink and faucets (don't have a date on those yet, but eventually).

More good stuff is right around the corner: here in a couple of weeks, I'm going to get to meet my newest yoga teacher, Cheryl. She is going to be leading all the classes that I need to take to get my yoga certification. I'm ready to start down that path. It means doing something I love, helping others and just more positive growth coming my way. I'm ready to head down that path.

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