Words can not explain how super swamped I've been! I've been trying to eek out a few minuets to drop a line on here, but
every time I try, something else comes up and claims the time I've set aside. Finally, I'm here.
Things at work have been just ok. We've been busy and the pressure for sales has not let up in the least. We are getting closer and closer to the time that we will convert to Wells Fargo and there is a avalanche full of things to do. We were also able to get in someone to fill Teresa's spot and now we are short staffed again. This time we are not sure if we are going to get a replacement or not. Technically we are in a hiring freeze so if we get anyone they will have to come in from somewhere else in the organization. Hopefully we will get some support. To be honest, I'm getting worn out from being short staffed so much. We've had more time where we are short than when we've got a full staff. It's nothing new, just extra stress.
I've also started my yoga teacher training. I'm really enjoying the reading materials that have been assigned. We have our first official meeting on Saturday and I'm looking forward to getting into a routine with it. I'm hoping to be able to post some things that I've been learning/ writing on here, but I'm not sure if I can with my schedule being so hectic. We'll have to play it by ear. But I do want to say now is that I have been amazed with how close that yoga is to Christianity. There are MANY similarities in the methodology. I found myself writing down Bible scripture references in the margins of my books because the authors would write something that sounded VERY familiar from scripture. The little tips of the yoga iceberg that I've tapped into has already helped to broaden my view of God. It was amazing reading what is classified as a secular book and seeing Jesus all over it just by the design of yoga. Incredible.
I'm actually really looking forward to October starting. I've got so many things that have hit here at the end of this month that it's throwing me off. My schedule feels like a nightmare. I've got things going here and there and everywhere. October is looking more open and I plan on keeping it that way. I need a break from constant scheduling, some time to settle back into a routine.
Among those things we've got a crazy huge elephant ear plant growing just off our lanai. The funny part is that we didn't buy it! It came in the pot of a little gardenia that we purchased last year. We didn't even know it was there until it started to grow earlier this spring. We thought it would stay fairly small, especially since it was sharing a little patch of dirt with a larger plant. Boy were we wrong. Check it out:

And this picture was taken a couple of days after John trimmed it back. It had these octopus like arms going everywhere! They were all over our little gardenia, creeping over toward the grill, trying to climb the brick along the back and sides, and trying to block the door! Since this picture it's grown a few more giant leaves (only a few are smaller than Sarge) and it's got more tentacles growing yet again. We've decided that when the frost comes- it's getting a new home. John will cut it back and dig to find what will probably (based on it's current size) a football sized bulb and transplant it to a new home somewhere else in the yard. Hopefully next year I won't have to fight with another plant coming in and out the screen door!
Well, that's about all for now. I hope this finds everyone well!
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