Tuesday, October 5, 2010
To begin, last week was the Babbie Mason Embrace event at church. It was wonderful! We had such a blast! The week before the event I got roped into singing in the choir and I had so much fun that night! I don't know if I'll ever sing in another choir, but it sure was fun while it lasted. The whole night was a success and everyone there was really blessed.
John and I took a long weekend to celebrate our anniversary (we had to go early because I couldn't get off work for our anniversary). We spent our time in Savannah. It was beautiful down there. Our first day was spent in the historic district (or as John says, the hysterical district). The next two days we were our on Tybee island kayaking, checking out the old fort and hanging out on the beach. Our final day was spent driving around a wildlife area before we headed home. It was great to get away. But while we were gone Sarge had a incident.
Sarge caught his first squirrel. Yes, a living, breathing, furry tree rat! Somehow he caught it up and was able to kill it. Poor Candace didn't know what to do with it, so it just laid outside until we got home. I wouldn't have either. I just would have prayed for something else to come and take it away. John and I are so proud of Sarge! He's doing exactly what God designed him to do: terrorize rodents (he's a rat terrier). It just so happens that this one lived in a tree. Ever since then, Sarge has been going nuts for these squirrels (pun not intended). He can't wait to snag him another one.
On another note, I've started my yoga teacher training classes. It's going good. We have our second class this Sunday afternoon. I'm looking forward to it and getting into a regular routine with the classes.
That's all for now!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Super Busy!!!
And this picture was taken a couple of days after John trimmed it back. It had these octopus like arms going everywhere! They were all over our little gardenia, creeping over toward the grill, trying to climb the brick along the back and sides, and trying to block the door! Since this picture it's grown a few more giant leaves (only a few are smaller than Sarge) and it's got more tentacles growing yet again. We've decided that when the frost comes- it's getting a new home. John will cut it back and dig to find what will probably (based on it's current size) a football sized bulb and transplant it to a new home somewhere else in the yard. Hopefully next year I won't have to fight with another plant coming in and out the screen door!
Well, that's about all for now. I hope this finds everyone well!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Big Changes
On another note: we have been able to purchase our new refrigerator and stove that we've been eyeing for a few months (we are selling our older ones). The new stuff is getting delivered tomorrow. :)Our kitchen is going to look so different. I'll try to remember to take some pics to post on here for everyone to see. They will be stainless and black to match the microwave and dishwasher. The next step will be a new sink and faucets (don't have a date on those yet, but eventually).
More good stuff is right around the corner: here in a couple of weeks, I'm going to get to meet my newest yoga teacher, Cheryl. She is going to be leading all the classes that I need to take to get my yoga certification. I'm ready to start down that path. It means doing something I love, helping others and just more positive growth coming my way. I'm ready to head down that path.
Monday, August 2, 2010
At Your Master's Feet

Sunday, July 18, 2010
Zip Line Through The Tree Tops
Here I am getting ready for our first line: And away I go:
John and me in full zip gear:
John coming in for a landing:
Looking back from where we just zipped from:
John zipping down:
He arrived safely!:
Me zipping over:

Off the rappel tower- the scariest part was going over the edge. Once I was dangling, it was ok:

The final line- a double zip across the Hilltop Pond:

It was such a blast and super easy! If you ever want a fun time outside, try it!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Money and Dryers
As a boost to myself, I've picked up and began re-reading Dave's book Total Money Makeover. It's been great to re-read the stories of people just like us making their financial dreams come true on this plan. I was having a relaxing afternoon reading the book while I was working on our laundry today (it's such a fast read I'm already halfway through it and I just picked it back up a couple of days ago). Then tragedy struck. The dryer broke. Enter anxiety. I had just finished reading a part of the book that says when an emergency happens and you tap into your emergency fund, quit working on the step that you're on and go back to replenish your emergency fund and about how "Murphy" of Murphy's law typically leaves town when you've got more money in the bank (apparently he only likes broke people). A broken dryer apparently is an emergency, and it seems only fitting that Murphy would try to stop in for a visit when we are so close to our goal.
Thankfully, I have a resourceful husband. :) We quickly got on the web to try to diagnose the problem. With a little bit of research, he was able to determine that the thermal fuse blew out. We've got another one ordered and on it's way. It should be here before we need to do laundry next week. Hopefully, it will fix our problem and we can get some more mileage out of our current washer and dryer. After spending some time revisiting the principals of our financial plan, I really don't want to spend the money to buy a new dryer (even the beautiful front loaders in blue that I want, with the pedestals to hide all our laundry accessories). For now, I will hold out hope that the dryer is fixable. I feel like that we are just too close to our goal to have to deal with some major expenses like that.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Yoga and Other Goings On
I've been doing a bunch of research in the last week on yoga certification and through much prayer to God and consideration from John think that we have a plan in place. The only factor now is how much it will cost, so it's still kind of up in the air. I can't wait to have a hard fast decision in place. I also can't wait to get my new yoga mat. Heather ordered it for me a few days ago and I'm itching to try it out. It's a Jade Yoga mat. It's super thick, made of natural rubber and it has a lot more anti-slip stuff than my current mat (yay- no more sliding around in down-dog for me!). Plus, it will be my-sized: 74" of wonderful, super squishy-grippy, yogalicious space to spread out (in olive green, of course)! The way I see it, I shouldn't ever need to buy another mat again for the rest of my life. If you want to see one for yourself check them out at: http://www.jadeyoga.com/store/home.php
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Future Opportunities
It's definitely good news, but I'm not sure what action to take. John and I have been working so hard on saving money and the thought of shelling out a few hundred or even over a thousand dollars to get me partially certified makes me feel sick. I definitely think that I wouldn't begin the classes until after we hit our savings goals in September. Other wise it would just push everything back (and we've been working so hard to reach our goal). On the flip side, I wouldn't want this opportunity to pass me by. It would definitely teach me more about yoga for my personal benefit and it would help me decide if I would want to continue my education further and complete my certification to be a certified yoga instructor, where I could teach all levels of yoga. It would also give me the opportunity to help out Heather more at the studio (teaching a class or two a week and filling in where I may be needed), allow me to help grow the company and the yoga community in our area and give me more opportunities to use my degree and business experience.
One question that I did have and was happy to hear the answer is that if I did complete the full certification, once I'm certified that certification will go with me everywhere, so when we move to Florida I wouldn't have to worry about loosing my certification or having to re-certify. Which, for me, makes this more compelling. I could get my certification up here, learn the business and then when we move to the Tampa area, open my own studio down there.
It seems like such a good opportunity. I just want to make sure that I make the best decision. I want to do what God wants me to do. Hopefully, He will put His two cents in soon.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Clearwater Beach Vacation 2010
Here's our condo. We stayed in the 2nd unit from the left on the bottom floor. The parking was beneath us on the ground level so our car stayed nice and cool during the day and we had a slightly elevated view of the beach:

Here's the living room of our home away from home. We had three sliding glass windows that gave us a panoramic view of the ocean. It was wonderful to open the blinds up in the morning to the view of the gulf:

Our view from the balcony:

Looking north to the residential area:

We arrived in CB about 3pm, checked and settled into the condo then headed out toward the pier to check the area out. We walked nearly every where we went. The pier with the marina, surf shops and many restaurants was just over a half mile from the condo so it made for a nice stroll.
Here's John and Leah at the CB sign at the pier:

Day 2 (Sunday):

Day 4 (Tuesday):

Us on our Segways. We had a super fun time on the tour. Jean, our tour guide, took us onto the mainland part of Clearwater and guided us through the historic district. We got to see many multi million dollar mansions. The Segways were a lot easier to ride than I thought they would be.

We then headed over to the Fort Area:

A beautiful sunset:
We had a blast! I really didn't want to leave, but we had to. :*( I can't wait until we go back. Hopefully the oil spill in the gulf won't completely destroy that area. I kept feeling like our time there was so short and that we needed to make the most of every moment b/c soon it may all be gone. At least we had our time while we were there.