Here are the pics of the Tabernacle that I promised!
I originally planned on making the entire tabernacle, but with the scale that I wanted to use the whole thing would have been about six feet long and much too wide to transport in my car. So, using John's suggestion, I just made the inner courtyard. The scale is 1 cubit= 1/2 inch. The total measurement is 20 inches x 30 inches for the yard and the Tabernacle measures in at 17 inches x 6 1/2 inches.Here are the brazen alter and lever just before the Tabernacle entrance:
Looking down into the Holy Place:
Looking down into the Most Holy Place:Here at the furniture pieces for the Holy Place (from left to right: Lamp stand, table of the Presence, Alter of Incense)
The Ark and it's contents (jar of manna, stone tablets with the 10 Commandments, Aaron's budded staff)
Moses and Aaron- Moses is on the left with his hand up praising God and Aaron is in his priests garments. Aren't they cute?
Moses and Aaron- Moses is on the left with his hand up praising God and Aaron is in his priests garments. Aren't they cute?
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