I'll tell you what- the last couple of days have been a whirlwind! Wednesday I went to a job fair for teachers that was being hosted by UGA. Overall, I guess it went well. No one there really seemed to know what was happening. Even the schools that were there didn't have much to say since hardly anyone has any jobs open right now. I kept hearing over and over that there probably won't have many openings until the end of April; which is a far cry from the February dates that are supposed to be the typical hiring time for teachers. The odds are stacked against me also since I'm going through what's called an Alternative Certification program (meaning that I'm trying to earn my certification after college). No one really seemed that excited about me on Wednesday. Then I heard that Clarke County was hosting their own fair this weekend and I was planning on attending, but the online application that they want filled out before the fair is impossible to complete in the 12 hours I have before me. There was just too much to try to gather together in such a short period of time that I would not be able to get it done in time. So, I'm staying home tomorrow. Which hopefully won't be a bad thing. I've been burning my candle at both ends this week.
The Busy Women's Bible Study met yesterday for our second official meeting. We were going to cover the first week's/ month's homework and the watch session 1 of the DVD series. It was supposed to be great. Then he showed up. Again. We all believe that the Devil was all over that place last night trying to stop us from connecting with God. Even though our youth pastor, Brian, set the equipment up for us and had it going, we still encountered tons of problems. First, right at 7 pm when we were to start, Amy asked where the DVD for session 1 was. Yours truly was in charge of the DVD's. I thought it was on the DVD that we had. It wasn't. We had to quickly purchase and download it from online. Then had to trouble shoot through technical stuff with Brian on the phone while Mindy stalled in the sanctuary. Then we started having trouble with the music that we were going to play and the sound system. How Amy managed to fix that, I have no idea. Finally, we have these boards that cover the stained glass windows (to protect them from the teens who meet in the chapel where we have our study) fly off the window. Seriously. It's supposed to be held in the space by some nails; there were no nails when I went to put it back up. The weird thing is that there was no air movement around the area and the board was not teetering on the edge (I'd walked past it back and forth about 50 times that night while trying to set everything up). And it's not like it just fell to the floor, it ended up a couple of feet away from where it should have fallen. Strange occurrences. I'm thinking of having one of our pastors bless the space before we use it next. Maybe using some Holy Water or something. It really kinda creeped me out. I'm still a bit shaken when I think of it. Thankfully, God is on our side. :)
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